Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don Clement Steps Down

I was disappointed to hear that Don Clement had resigned from the Conservation Commission this week. I always think of Don, whether it be at the ConCom or deliberative session or at other meetings, as the voice of reason.

Here's the full story about Don's decision and time on the commission.

As for his regrets, Don had this to say:

"I didn't get a chance to sit in the new chairs in the Nowak Room."

Now, I can say my sources say that Don is also involved in a new career in the movies. Perhaps we will soon see him on the big screen...


Anonymous said...

Lara, I liked this quote of his, regarding Fort Rock:

“People were using conservation for their reason for everything when they were never there for every other (conservation) issue in the past,” Clement said.

Lara Bricker said...

He does have a point.